No one can build within the Paris Agreement alone. But together, we can – and it requires political action. henrik●innovation supports that emission requirements should reflect climate science to comply …
One of our latest projects in Japan feature a highly customisable parametric solar shading system on a building facade, developed using Grasshopper for Rhino. By analysing weather data to identify …
Previously, the danish building regulations did not require life cycle assessments for constructions below 1000 m2. Starting from 2025, LCA calculations must be submitted for all new construction projects, regardless of size, in order to obtain occupancy permits. Read on to gain a comprehensive understanding of the changes ahead and how we at Henrik Innovation can assist.
A crucial focal point here at henrik●innovation is to keep up with industry developments. Therefore we constantly seek new knowledge within our areas of expertise. We participated a workshop in London on Pollination/Rhino/Grasshopper, essential tools in our daily tasks for conducting analyses related to energy, indoor climate, daylight, and life cycle assessments, LCA.
henrik-innovation has been invited to Japan to participate in the discussion on sustainable branding of businesses. Tomonori Makita will illuminate the growing focus on health in panel discussions and discuss …