
henrik-innovation ApS is a consulting engineering company with special focus on energy, indoor climate and sustainability in buildings. We contribute from the earliest stages of the projects with conceptual development, analysis, management and documentation. We also assist companies in this field with business- and product development and transition to circular economical business models.

Tradition and Modern technology: Traditional japanese house renovation project

Japanese homes are said to have a shorter lifespan compared to Western homes. While European homes typically last over 100 years, Japanese homes are believed to last only about 30 years. We took on the challenge of extending the lifespan of homes.

Building Green Konferencen om Biobaserede Byggematerialer

CO2-neutralt og klima-neutralt design? Den 21.-22. august 2024 deltog henrik-innovation som oplægsholder ved Building Green konferencen, hvor vi satte fokus på fremtidens bæredygtige byggeri gennem brugen af biobaserede byggematerialer. Vores …

LCA workshop

LCA workshop med henrik-innovation Vil du lære at udføre og vurdere livscyklusvurderinger (LCA) i overensstemmelse med de danske lovkrav? Hvorfor deltage i vores LCA-workshop? Få essentiel viden og praktiske færdigheder: …

henrik-innovation supports that the Building Act should reflect climate science to comply with the Paris Agreement.

No one can build within the Paris Agreement alone. But together, we can – and it requires political action. henrik●innovation supports that emission requirements should reflect climate science to comply …

Dynamic Solar Shading: Parametric Facade Design with Grasshopper

One of our latest projects in Japan feature a highly customisable parametric solar shading system on a building facade, developed using Grasshopper for Rhino. By analysing weather data to identify …

henrik-innovation participates in a Pollination workshop in London, February 2024

A crucial focal point here at Henrik Innovation is to keep up with industry developments and constantly seek new knowledge within our areas of expertise. Therefore, our two study associates, …


ReefCircular is an innovative company with a focus on resources, biodiversity, and sustainability. One of the latest additions to a series of projects is the development of 3D-printed biobased reef modules, designed to enhance local biodiversity in marine environments with a minimal carbon footprint.


On November 7, 2023, we won the climate award at this year’s Building Awards for the development of the WorldFlexHomes building concept

Benex metal manufacturing company in Nagasaki, Japan

henrik•innovation is involved in another exciting project in Japan, where a metal factory is undergoing renovation and the energy consumption is being optimized with efficient solutions. This is done in ...

Bio-based materials with a life time of more than 200 years!

At Henrik•Innovation,  a lot of our time is devoted to incorporating bio-based materials into our projects. Therefore, when Structural Environment and BLOXHUB extended an invitation to the workshop titled “Overcoming …

henrik-innovation Japan trip 2023

henrik-innovation is currently preparing for a study trip to Japan. We are excited to visit our latest project, Nordisk Hygge circles Ugakei, and meet with new collaborators. Additionally, we will ...

Nordisk Hygge Circles Ugakei – Open to visitors

Jump into the deep forest of Inabe City, Mie Prefecture, Japan. Rebuild your relationship with Mother Nature. Our regenerative project Nordisk Ugakei Hygge Circles is finally open.

henrik-innovation at the ReBuild Ukraine conference

Henrik Innovation is participating in the ReBuild Ukraine conference on the 15th-16th. February 2023, transporting our Demo model of WorldFLEXhome to Poland. WFH is a flexible design solution that can …

We won!

Two of our Japanese projects SANU and Kitoki won the most excellent award, the Ministry of Environment prize and Encouragement prize, for the 2022 Wood Design Award in Japan. We ...

Kitoki – Life cycle assessment for high rise building in Tokyo

This is a new possibility of using wood for urban high-rise buildings.

Nordisk Hygge Circle Ugakei will be completed soon.

The center house and two cabins were completed, and final inspection was conducted. The Danish ambassador also visited this site the other day…

Glasalstrup – renovation of remarkable concrete industrial building

Together with the architectural firm Bertelsen & Scheving (B&S Achitects (now Over Byen Arcitects)), henrik ● innovation, on behalf of Realdania as the client, is in the process of renovating ...

RODAM Home – Annex for holiday homes

RODAM Home is a newly started company, founded by Rasmus Rodam, Anders Hjortnæs and Henrik Sørensen, which has entered the market with a new concept for annexes to holiday homes. ...

SANU 2nd Home

Sanu is a lifestyle brand, envisioning a world where people and nature coexist.

Groundbreaking Ceremony for Nordisk Hygge Circles, Ugakei, Japan

The design team recently attended the groundbreaking ceremony for our Nordisk Hygge Circles Ugakei near Inabe, Japan. The groundbreaking ceremony (Jichin sai 地鎮祭) was performed according to the Japanese tradition. ...

Ibihaverne apartment project completed

Ibihaven is the first in a series of apartment communities (Agorahaverne) with large common areas in the form of a central, naturally conditioned atrium. The project recently finished and its ...

Floating bird observation hide completed

henrik•innovation was the project manager for the “Innovative Bird Observation Hide”-project, which was a competition project realized in collaboration with Holscher Design A/S, Biotope (N) and Søren Jensen Consulting Engineers ...


Tunnelfabrikken was originally build as a temporary factory where the tunnel elements for the connection between Denmark and Sweden was casts. Tunnelfabrikken has an impressive size of 261 m long ...

Ugakei Hygge Circles

Co-working together with danish architects Third Nature and Japanese engineers Structured Environment. We won a competition in Japan.

Low energy workshop for building professionals from Japan

Henrik-Innovation held in February a workshop in best-practice of low energy and sustainable buildings for building professionals from Japan.


Agorahaverne is an apartment complex for senior citizens who would like to have a quality life based on sustainability and shared life values.